Lines for juices and baby food are designed and developed according to certain assignment of each customer.
The capacities of realized projects vary as follows:
- 500 up to 8000 l/h for juices
- 500 up to 3000 kg/h for baby food
The mixing stations can be operated manually, semi-automatic or fully automatic.
The dosing can be resolved either volumetric or weighing principle.
The mixing stations designed AND DELIVERED TO OUR CUSTOMERS ARE
- dosing in the weigh principle
- with automated juice preparation process
Further the juice is homogenized , deaerated and heat treated.
The ready juice goes for filling and closing:
- hot filling in bottles or PET
- aseptic filling in boxes
Baby food is filled and closed in jars, which are sterilized and cooled in autoclaves
Line for juices and baby food. Capacity 2000l/h
Line for juices. Capacity 3000l/h