“Mitak”Ltd, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
Tunnel pasterizer for vegetable canned foods and tomato concentrate – 2000pcs ( V=0,72 l )/h
“Marcom”Ltd, Haskovo Bulgaria
Complete lines for vegetable canned foods,concentrates and sauces
“Kaladan” Ltd, Silistra, Bulgaria
Complete lines for dried fruits and vegetables
“Euro Counserve”Ltd, Zalau, Romania
Complete lines for vegetable canned foods,concentrates and sauces
“Fructo Juice”Ltd, Troyan, Bulgaria
Complete line for fruit and vegetable puree – 5000kg raw material/h
“BBB’”Ltd, Trudovec, Bulgaria
Tunnel pasteurizer for juices – 10 000 pcs ( V=0,25Ll)/h
‘Gerada GM”, Sofia, Bulgaria
Installation for pasteurization,cooling and deaeration of honey – 500kg/h
Sluck, Belarus
Complete plant for juice preparation and aseptic filling in small packages – 5000 l/h
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